Sunday, July 31, 2016

Recall with Camila

Cookie hasn't sent me a letter, but Camila has. (She's Cookie's person, remember?) She sent it on Friday.

Dear Lassie, 

Yesterday, Penny went to Puppy Kindergarten where we were learning recall. I was wondering if you could do a blog post about getting a dog to learn their name and come when called. I know all about it now, so I can write the post if you want.

Yours Truly,

I replied "Yes" and we exchanged emails, setting up the whole post. This is what she sent me today.

Recall is all about coming when called. It's about knowing your name. It's important. So that's why we had to teach Penny her name. We did so at Puppy Kindergarten. There are two rules of recall:
  1. Never call the animal away from something they are enjoying..
  2. Never call the animal to do something they will not like.
Follow these rules and your pet should know their name in no time! For example, I followed Rule #1 today. Penny was playing in the mud and obviously, I didn't want her too. But, I remembered the rules, so I didn't call her out of her play, but instead went to go pick her up and take her back inside. I also followed Rule #2 later today. Since she was muddy, she needed a bath. Cookie hates baths, so we assumed Penny might to. So, we brought treats to feed her during the bath and went to go get her. We put her in the bath and as we thought, she didn't like it that much. But, it was over pretty quickly. Although she was wet, she was clean. Plus, we didn't break any rules.

A way to get them to learn to come is practicing and then sending them back to what they were doing. A good ratio from this is 10:1; ten calls when you send them back and one where you bring them in. But still, follow the rules. There is a simple thing you can do with your puppy to help them learn to come. Run away from them, crouching low. Call her name once in a high voice and then make high-pitched sounds until you get to your destination. Treat heavily once she is slightly past your side. Do this repeatedly and you will have a dog that knows their name and will come to you if you ever need her to.

Penny is learning her name and if you followed this post, your dog can learn their's too!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


As you know, my friend's new sister, Penny is in Puppy Kindergarten. She's also been going to the Puppy Parties. In fact, she just recently went to one. Instead of her being a bit shy, like the last time, she was incredibly outgoing! She played with all the pups and was completely tired out when her people took her home. So, to catch you up, here's Cookie.

Dear Lassie,

Penny's been more social lately and my people have started taking her to lots of places I don't get to go. I think it's very nice to spend time away from the land piranha, as my people sometimes call Penny. They leave me with Dad and Elliot and usually I get to go with them to the gym. It's fun! I think it's a win-win; I get to spend time away from Penny and she get's to go out!

Your friend,

I'll notify you all on the antics of Penny later!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Puppies Galore!

Hi again! I'm here to share the update I got from my friend, Cookie. His owner, Camila, sent one too.

Dear Lassie,

I followed your advice and it has really been working! She's tried to eat my food a couple times, but she's learning not to come near me when I'm eating or sleeping. She sleeps a lot, but is a bundle of crazy energy when she's awake, Twice she has been taken on a car ride without me, but I'm sure there must be a good reason. The progress might be slow, but there is progress. . Thanks again for the advice!

Your friend,

Dear Lassie,

Hey, it's me again! Just checking in to tell you how helpful you were. I did exactly what you told me and it seems that the two are closer to friends! No miracles have happened, Cookie still ignores her, but I think he is starting to object a bit less to Penny. Mom and I took Penny out on Thursday to Puppy Kindergarten at Woofs! Dog Training. It was very cute for us and I think it was fun for her. She got to play with other dogs: a Shih Tzu mix, a Shiba Inu and a Yorkie Maltese, or Morkie. She was a bit shy at first, but she enjoyed herself! She got close to a tunnel, which was a big step for her, although she didn't go in. I learned that a small dog shouldn't have too many treats.

Yesterday, we went to the Puppy Party at Woofs with Penny! It was so cute! All the dogs were playing with each other and we were hoping Penny would join in. But, she stayed close to us, which was okay, since the other dogs were bigger and it was her first week. Although we were happy when she ventured off for a minute once or twice.

The trainers brought Penny and the Morkie she met on Thursday into a smaller, secluded area to play. Both Penny and the Morkie had been a bit shy out in the open and Penny was still shy for the first 10 minutes in the small section. But then, Penny started to play and it was adorable! They played for about 20 minutes until it was time to go. I think she had fun; and I did too!

Thanks Again,

I'm glad that Penny's having fun. When will she start to write letters directly to me? Maybe when she graduates Puppy Kindergarten?

Friday, July 8, 2016

Bringing Home a Bundle of Love

I have returned to tell all of you about exciting news regarding my friend, Cookie. His family have decided to bring home another... DOG! Yesterday I got this letter from Cookie.

Dear Lassie,

Yesterday, I knew something was up. A crate arrived in the house and my people assembled it and put it in the family room where we all hang out. Then, Camila and Mom left the house. When they came back, they had a bone (which they gave to me), a bag of treats and two dog bowls. Camila tried to play fetch with me, but I didn't want to, since it wasn't the usual time. She made me fetch it once, though.

This morning, at around 10am, we all got in the car. We dropped off Elliot and then we went to Wia (my grandmother)'s house. Mom and I got out of the car and she left me there! I was upset and I didn't see them until about 6 hours later.

But when Wia dropped me off, I had to wait outside for a bit. I was suspicious when I came inside. My suspicions were confirmed when I walked in the house to see a PUPPY in the family room. Tia (my aunt) was with us. For about an hour, my people tried to socialize her with me, inside and out. When we were in the backyard, I started to let her romp with me. She's kind of like a chipmunk, too small to be of interest. She's decided to follow me around everywhere, even when I play fetch. It's kind of cute, to a point.

But I do have a question for you. I want to know how much and when should I show her who's boss and when do I let her do stuff with me?

Your friend,

I also received this letter from Cookie's owner.

Dear Lassie,

I had been excited for getting a puppy for a really long time! She was all picked out. She's an adorable Shih Poo (a mix between Shih Tzu and poodle) and her name is Penny! Our breeder was very trustworthy. You can find her on Instagram with the username jeannedavis62. She posts pictures of her puppies, including Penny!

Mom, Dad and I were in the car after dropping off my brother at his job and Cookie at my grandmother's. We listened to the Monks of New Skete for more advice on puppy raising. When we arrived at the breeder's in Maryland after 2 hours, I exploded with joy! Penny was so adorable, friendly and small! I loved her even more! Dad and I played with her for about an hour when Mom was working on paperwork. I was ready to take her home.

We brought her in the car the 2 hours back and showed her a bit of the outside. Then, we attempted (without success)  to get her in her crate. She didn't want to go in by herself, so we just paid more attention to them when Cookie walked in.

My question is when can interactions between the two dogs stop being monitored?

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I thought about both of those questions and I sent a letter back to both of them.

Dear Cookie,

When she does something to you that is bothersome, make sure to tell her that, but kindly. Just one simple growl should do. Unless she is bugging you, just let her follow you around. It seems like she looks up to you, as the older dog. If she ever tries to show dominance, just a gentle growl will send her the message that you in command. Hope this improves your relationship with your new sister!

Love, Lassie

Dear Camila,

I would continue to watch what's going on with them until Penny is older. Do not assume that if Cookie is ignoring Penny that they are friends. Wait until Cookie has repeatedly shown that he will not hurt Penny. When you are out of the house, you must have Penny in her crate, just to be safe. This should continue until she is fully grown and is no longer using the crate. Start with a small length of time away, before you progress to leaving them alone for long periods of time. As long as the dogs do not show aggression, it should be okay for them to be together when you aren't there to supervise. Please remember, all dogs are different, so sometimes it will take longer to get them accustomed to each other. Good luck in starting a doggy friendship!
